Sadly, no.

As much as we LOVE dogs, your furry little friend is not allowed to join you in our café. Ontario law states that Every room where food is prepared, processed, packaged, served, transported, manufactured, handled, sold, offered for sale or displayed shall be kept free from live birds or animals.” Service dogs are, of course, always welcome with proper verification.

But you have “dog” in your name!

Yup, but that has to do with our being a second-hand book store as well as a café, as “dog-eared” is a metaphor for folding down the page of a book to mark your place when a bookmark isn’t handy. *Rest assured, we have plenty of bookmarks on hand.

But the good news? We have a take-out window! Which is the perfect way to bring your pup for coffee without having to bring them indoors! Yay!