I’m certain at this point you’re hoping to find our phone number, but here’s the thing;

we don’t have a public phone number.

Radical, huh?

In this age we feel that having a public phone number is detrimental to the effectiveness of our business—and to the level of customer service we care to provide—than it is a necessity. We take great care to see that ALL of the neccessary information you would need to know about our menu, specials, hours, events, location, etc is available online (either here on our website, google, our facebook page, or instagram) and beyond that, you can always reach us by email or on the messaging systems of any of our social media, as we’re quite quick to respond and help you meet your Dog-Eared needs.

But why don’t you have a phone number?

Although there would be any number of reasons people would need to call us, the majority of phone calls to cafés and restaurants are to ask after information that is readily available on line. We feel taking time to answer phone calls during business hours would serve only to keep our in-house customers waiting.

We’ve all been in line waiting before, only to have our transaction halted while the clerk stops to take a phone call, eavesdropped on the “uh-huhs” and “mm-hmms” as our patience wains, and we want better for our valued customers; we want better for you.

Well, there’s our pragmatic argument in favour of not having a telephone number. We hope you understand and empathize, because we’ve made this decision to provide the best customer service experience possible.

We are also unreachable by fax, telegraph, or carrier pigeon.